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    2.52.8 Scripts · be4bd9a2
    Spartacus authored
    Preliminary Changelog:
    Fixed BEHR ammo amounts to match what they have always been.
    Fixed Shotgun descriptions to match Spike's old suggestion.
    Fixed "Advanced Semiconductor Research" clipping while researching.
    Fixed wall prices not matching the scripted parameter (walls previously costed 25 resources and continue to cost that amount in this release).
    Regenerating armors regenerate even with zero armor.
    Script Changes
    Vehicle Weapons
    Standard Cannon
    Speed				3000 -> 3300
    Imp. Std Cannon
    Speed				3300 -> 3600
    ER Cannon
    Speed				3300 -> 3600
    Rail Gun
    Damage				50 -> 60
    Speed				3600 -> 3900
    Cycle Time			0.8 -> 1
    Explosive Sprite		14 -> 19
    Clip Size			4 -> 8
    Total Ammo Clips		9 -> 6
    Total Ammo Clips		6 -> 9
    Reload Time			4 -> 8.6
    Projectile Spread		1.5 -> 4.5
    Speed				2400 -> 1800
    Speed				2400 -> 1800
    Vehicle Armor
    Composite Armor
    Speed to Damage			-0.000035 -> -0.00005
    Damage to Heat			-0.025 -> -0.05
    Regeneration			0.2 -> 0.15
    Speed to Damage			-0.0002 -> -0.0001
    APBulletResist			0 -> 0.5
    Budget Armor
    Weight				10 -> 8
    Cost				5 -> 4
    Brittle Armor Added
    Description			-> "Brittle armor is strong, but takes extra damage from faster projectiles."
    Weight				-> 15
    Cost				-> 15
    Research			-> "Biology/Lab-Grown Technologies/Brittle Armor"
    Health				-> 80
    Speed to Damage			-> 0.0001
    KineticResist			-> -0.2
    APBulletResist			-> -0.5
    Capacitive Armor Added
    Description			-> "Capacitive armor is very strong, but starts to lose health once its capacitors get damaged for the first time."
    Weight				-> 15
    Cost				-> 15
    Research			-> "Electrical Engineering/Advanced Magnet Research/Capacitive Armor"
    Health				-> 100
    Regeneration			-> -0.01
    Vehicle Research
    Capacitive Armor Added
    Parent				-> "Advanced Magnet Research"
    Description			-> "(Technology: Vehicle Armor) Gain access to capacitive armor that is very strong, but starts to slowly lose health after its capacitors are damaged for the first time."
    Time				-> 60
    Lab-Grown Technologies Added
    Parent				-> "Biology"
    Description			-> "(Items In Category: Brittle Armor) Engineer a helpful organism that is able to construct materials that can't be produced using other methods."
    Time				-> 60
    Brittle Armor Added
    Parent				-> "Lab-Grown Technologies"
    Description			-> "(Technology: Vehicle Armor) Gain access to an armor that is very strong against slower projectiles due to its rheopectic layers."
    Time				-> 60
    Infantry Weapons
    SemiAutomatic			1 -> 0
    Clip Size			12 -> 18
    Starting Ammo			24 -> 36
    Max Ammo			36 -> 72
    Machine Pistol
    DuckingSpreadDecrement		0.04 -> 0.025
    Shotty Pistol
    Cycle Time			0.5 -> 0.18
    SemiAutomatic			1 -> 0
    ProneSpreadModifier		0.03 -> 0.06
    Spread Increments		-> 0
    Max Damage			25 -> 20
    Min Damage			15 -> 9
    ProneSpreadModifier		0.03 -> 0.06
    git-svn-id: 13fbe4df-2105-9841-9ca5-cf0fe397b598